We're a week and a half into 2017. How are you doing? Have you come up with any goals for the year like we discussed last week? Making any progress in achieving those goals? Use that comment section at the bottom to let me know. I'd like to hear from you.
I'm doing pretty well. I really dialed back my eating out so far this year, and already feel better. My lunches have mostly consisted of sandwiches which are just simple, and tasty. In the past week I've already dropped almost 2lbs, and 0.3%BF (numbers are updated) with just that change, so the proof is in the pudding. And now I want pudding...
Alright, now to the good stuff.
So in North Metro Atlanta, and further north we had some snow/ice. This doesn't happen often so it's always a treat/disaster when it does. Unfortunately where I live we got nothing but sleet which resulted in about half an inch of ice on the roads and sidewalks. Well I was committed to trying something new this past weekend when that happened, and I sure as hell did. I put on some newer shoes with good soles, layered on the clothes, then went for my first ever ruck. Big shout-out to my bud for letting me borrow his ruck bag sporting the Team RWB patch.
StrongLifts 5x5
Couch to 5K
Workout Schedule:
SL5x5 - Mon, Wed, and Fri
C25K - Tues, Fri, Sat
Hiking/Misc - Sun
Recorded on an Ozeri Touch ZB13 Digital Scale
46.0% BF
I'm doing pretty well. I really dialed back my eating out so far this year, and already feel better. My lunches have mostly consisted of sandwiches which are just simple, and tasty. In the past week I've already dropped almost 2lbs, and 0.3%BF (numbers are updated) with just that change, so the proof is in the pudding. And now I want pudding...
Alright, now to the good stuff.
So in North Metro Atlanta, and further north we had some snow/ice. This doesn't happen often so it's always a treat/disaster when it does. Unfortunately where I live we got nothing but sleet which resulted in about half an inch of ice on the roads and sidewalks. Well I was committed to trying something new this past weekend when that happened, and I sure as hell did. I put on some newer shoes with good soles, layered on the clothes, then went for my first ever ruck. Big shout-out to my bud for letting me borrow his ruck bag sporting the Team RWB patch.
Since it was my first ruck, and the road conditions were icy I decided to go for a short, and light ruck. The distance was only 3 miles, and it was only a 20lb ruck. I have to say...I absolutely loved it. Not only was it a great workout, but I just went out there and plowed through everything trying to stand in my way. I felt great during it, and I felt even better after it. I'm definitely going to have to work this in to my routine. Since Sunday is the "hike/misc" day that's likely when I will get it done.
If you haven't tried rucking, and you're interested in what essentially amounts to walking with extra effort, then I'd definitely recommend looking into it. There are the GoRuck events that are significantly more demanding, but I'm not to that point yet. Right now I'm just enjoying the walking portion.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Try different things to see what you really enjoy. Once you find that thing, or things, you'll actually look forward to your workout, and this journey will be awesome. Not only will you get in shape, and feel good about yourself, but you'll actually enjoy getting there.

Fitness Activities:If you haven't tried rucking, and you're interested in what essentially amounts to walking with extra effort, then I'd definitely recommend looking into it. There are the GoRuck events that are significantly more demanding, but I'm not to that point yet. Right now I'm just enjoying the walking portion.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Try different things to see what you really enjoy. Once you find that thing, or things, you'll actually look forward to your workout, and this journey will be awesome. Not only will you get in shape, and feel good about yourself, but you'll actually enjoy getting there.

StrongLifts 5x5
Couch to 5K
Workout Schedule:
SL5x5 - Mon, Wed, and Fri
C25K - Tues, Fri, Sat
Hiking/Misc - Sun
Recorded on an Ozeri Touch ZB13 Digital Scale
46.0% BF
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