Good Shoes and Great Friends

Hey, guess who didn't buy batteries for his scale.  That's right.  *sigh*

Anyways.  I learned something pretty important over the past week that I wanted to share with you all.  If you're looking to get into rucking regular running shoes won't really cut it.  They'll be fine until you start to put some good distances in; think 4+ miles.  They have some good boots, and boot like shoes that are great for rucking, but I also found that Hoka OneOnes are pretty phenomenal for this as well.  All that extra padding with those huge soles makes for some cushioned rucks.  So if you have Hokas, and want to get into rucking they are a solid choice.  I hadn't worn mine a lot in the past, so the Bondi 3's I have are still in great condition.

(Stock photo...don't feel like taking a picture of mine)

I'm really glad I had these too since I met up with a fellow Eagle this morning and we knocked out 8.7 miles on the Silver Comet.  He was a champ for going at my slow ass pace the whole time.

It was a damn good ruck, but I'll definitely be feeling it for a few days.  The only real concern I have is that my big toe hurts.  Reminds me of how it felt after my first half marathon when it developed a pretty gnarly bruise under the toenail.  My gait is apparently resulting in me hurting my toe?

Oh yea!  I also picked up a new electric skillet so I could do some more food prep.  Pretty solid investment.  Also had to purchase some plastic containers for the food since I didn't have good ones for 5 days worth of meals.  It does a great job cooking, and I can cook a lot at once.  Last week I did brown rice and teriyaki chicken.  This week I'm thinking I'll do some BBQ chicken, and russet red potatoes.

Fitness Activities:
StrongLifts 5x5
Couch to 5K

Workout Schedule:
SL5x5 - Mon, Wed, and Fri
C25K - Tues, Fri, Sat
Hiking/Rucking - Sun

Recorded on an Ozeri Touch ZB13 Digital Scale
46.0% BF
