Spilling "Secrets"

In my last blog post I told you all to tune in for the next post as I will be sharing a secret with you.  To be fair it's not much of a secret, and it's more results of a "study".

Most people who know me know that I'm a very curious person by nature.  That curiosity has lead me down some interesting paths; some for the better, and some for the worse.  This time it lead me down a path that was pretty much just 3 feet of gravel, and I could clearly see the end of it.

Spit it out already!

Alright, alright.  So what did I do that led me down this short path?  Simple.  I was a regular person irregularly working out, and eating like shit "expecting to lose weight".  Spoiler alert:  it didn't work.

Yes, I know.  If you actually think about it it's blatantly obvious.  However, I really wanted to prove a point, and what better way to do it than to actually do the thing we all know shouldn't work, but do anyways?

Now that I've gotten that out of the way I will be spending my time proving another point.  I will make small changes to my diet, and stick to my workout routines.  I won't be making any drastic changes like salads only, or meal replacement nonsense.  I'm just going to eat out significantly less, not eat a whole pizza in one sitting, etc...  It's all really simple to do.  While it won't get me to my goal, it will get me started in the right direction.

If it won't get you to your goal, why do it?

Simple.  Think back to one of my previous blogs where I talked about taking small steps to start the journey.  This is exactly that.  It's pretty much a warm up jog prior to a distance run.  Making small changes here and there is the easiest thing to reach your goal.  As long as you stick to the changes you made, and said changes are healthy, then you'll eventually reach your goal.  Just like running; each step you take gets you closer to the finish line.

Fitness Activities:
StrongLifts 5x5
Couch to 5K

Recorded on an Ozeri Touch ZB13 Digital Scale
44.8% BF
